The knowledge to manage diabetes with more confidence.

Are your patients using the latest technology?  

The FreeStyle Libre 2 system gives your patients the knowledge to effectively manage their diabetes and improve their glycemic outcomes.1,2*

The FreeStyle Libre system makes glucose monitoring easy.2

  • Easy to use2

    • Painless2 glucose readings with a 1-second scan, even through clothing 
      • Provides a current glucose reading, trend arrow and 8-hour history 
    • Easy to wear2

      • A small, discreet sensor that is easy to apply2 and wear for up to 14 days3
      • Swim, shower and exercise – the sensor stays on and keeps working§ 
    • Convenient

      • Sensor automatically measures and stores glucose readings day and night 
    • Accurate

      • A painless,2 1-second scan is all that is required for treatment decisions, even when glucose is low, falling or rapidly changing 

    Sensors stick better when patients wash, clean and dry their skin before application.

    Connected care. Powered by patients.

    The FreeStyle Libre digital network keeps everyone in the know.

    • Lets patients conveniently check their glucose with their phone**
    • The Connect to a Practice feature lets patients easily share glucose data with you†† and stay connected remotely

    • A secure, cloud-based system that provides access to patients’ glucose reports, so you can make informed diabetes management decisions§§
    • Glucose data are automatically uploaded¶¶ from the FreeStyle LibreLink app** to LibreView†† 

    Lets parents and caregivers easily monitor their loved ones’ glucose readings from their phone‡‡

    Easy to prescribe. Easy to get patients started.

    Write a prescription for the
    FreeStyle Libre system

    Invite your patients to a 
    webinar to learn about the FreeStyle Libre 2 system: the latest technology in continuous glucose monitoring

    Patient registers for GETTING STARTED webinar 

    By registering, patients will also be enrolled in MyFreeStyle,
    our 30-day program to help them get set up. Patients
    have the option to request a FREE
    FreeStyle Libre 2 system trial kit*** to
    be shipped to their home.


    Coverage for the FreeStyle Libre system. 

    The FreeStyle Libre system is covered by Ontario,†††Quebec,‡‡‡ Yukon§§§PEI¶¶¶ and the NIHB**** public reimbursement programs for eligible patients.

    Most private health insurance companies cover the FreeStyle Libre system – many for non-insulin patients.†††† Encourage your patients to talk to their insurance provider or plan administrator to find out how they may be covered, and visit for more information

    Frequently asked questions

    Who is the FreeStyle Libre system for?

    The FreeStyle Libre flash glucose monitoring system is indicated for measuring interstitial fluid glucose levels in adults aged 18 years and older with diabetes mellitus.4

    What are the differences between the FreeStyle Libre system and the FreeStyle Libre 2 system?

    The FreeStyle Libre 2 system has all of the FreeStyle Libre system’s features, with the addition of three optional, real-time glucose alarms that are available through the FreeStyle Libre 2 app.‡‡‡‡ There is a Low Glucose Alarm, High Glucose Alarm and Signal Loss alarm.

    The FreeStyle Libre 2 system is indicated for measuring interstitial fluid glucose levels in people aged 4 years and older with diabetes mellitus.5

    Learn more about the FreeStyle Libre 2 system.

    Is the FreeStyle Libre system compatible with FreeStyle Libre 2 sensors, readers and the FreeStyle Libre 2 app?‡‡‡‡

    No, FreeStyle Libre system sensors and the FreeStyle LibreLink app** are NOT compatible with FreeStyle Libre 2 system sensors, readers or the FreeStyle Libre 2 app.‡‡‡‡ It is critical that patients use the matching sensors and app to ensure product functionality. The FreeStyle LibreLink app** is available through the App Store or Google Play. 

    Is the FreeStyle Libre system covered by public or private insurance?

    Abbott is working with governments across Canada to secure public coverage for the FreeStyle Libre system. Public coverage is currently available for the FreeStyle Libre system in Ontario,††† Quebec,‡‡‡ the Yukon,§§§ PEI ¶¶¶ and the NIHB**** for eligible patients.

    Do private health insurance companies also cover the FreeStyle Libre system?

    Most private health insurance companies also cover the FreeStyle Libre system. Encourage your patients to ask their private insurance provider if the FreeStyle Libre system is covered for them. 

    What is the default Target Glucose Range for the FreeStyle Libre system?

    The target glucose range is pre-set to 3.9-10 mmol/L. Patients can adjust their target glucose range via the Settings menu.  

    Can patients go through airport security or travel by air while wearing their FreeStyle Libre sensor?

    Follow these guidelines when travelling:4

    • Notify security personnel of the presence of the device when going through security systems 
    • Do not scan your sensor or power on the reader using the Home button while flying, if restricted by flight regulations. You may insert a strip to perform a blood glucose or ketone test 

    Check with the airline prior to departure as rules and regulations may change without notice. without notice.

    Are there any situations in which the FreeStyle Libre sensor should be removed?

    Patients should remove the sensor prior to MRI, CT scan or X-ray. Patients should apply a new sensor after the appointment.4

    How does my patient’s caregiver receive glucose data?

    The FreeStyle LibreLink app** lets users easily share their glucose data with their caregivers using the LibreLinkUp app.‡‡  

    When caregivers use the LibreLinkUp app,‡‡ they will get glucose readings sent to their phone from their loved one using the FreeStyle LibreLink app.** Every FreeStyle LibreLink scan is automatically¶¶ sent to their smartphone, and up to 20 people can view results from a single FreeStyle LibreLink** account.   

    For more information and support, encourage patients to visit

    For any additional information, please refer to the FreeStyle Libre flash glucose monitoring system user manual.

    Want to get in touch?

    Contact Abbott for more information or to find out how your practice can support patients using the FreeStyle Libre family of products.

    * Data collected from the FreeStyle Libre system. FreeStyle Libre 2 has the same features as the FreeStyle Libre system, with the addition of optional real-time glucose alarms. Study data are applicable to both products. 

    † Based on the number of users worldwide for the FreeStyle Libre systems compared to the number of users for other leading personal-use, sensor-based glucose monitoring systems. 

    ‡ The reader can capture data from the sensor when it is within 4 cm of the sensor. 

    § Sensor is water-resistant in up to 1 metre (3 feet) of water. Do not immerse longer than 30 minutes. Not to be used above 10,000 feet.   

    ¶ To get a complete glycemic picture over the last 3 months, the sensor must be replaced every 14 days and the sensor must be scanned at least once every 8 hours. 

    ** The FreeStyle LibreLink app and the FreeStyle Libre reader have similar but not identical features. A finger prick test using a blood glucose meter is required during times of rapidly changing glucose levels when interstitial fluid glucose levels may not accurately reflect blood glucose levels or if hypoglycemia or impending hypoglycemia is reported by the FreeStyle LibreLink app or when symptoms do not match the app readings. The FreeStyle Libre sensor communicates with the FreeStyle Libre reader that started it or the FreeStyle LibreLink app that started it. A sensor started by the FreeStyle Libre reader will also communicate with the FreeStyle LibreLink app. The FreeStyle LibreLink app is only compatible with certain mobile devices and operating systems. Please check the Compatibility Guide (PDF 69 KB) for more information about device compatibility before using the app. Use of LibreLinkUp and the FreeStyle Libre 2 app may require registration with LibreView. 

    †† The LibreView website is only compatible with certain operating systems and browsers. Please check for additional information.  

    ‡‡ The LibreLinkUp app is only compatible with certain mobile devices and operating systems. Please check  for more information about device compatibility before using the app. Use of LibreLinkUp and the FreeStyle Libre 2 app may require registration with LibreView. The LibreLinkUp mobile app is not intended to be a primary glucose monitor: home users must consult their primary device(s) and consult a healthcare professional before making any medical interpretation and therapy adjustments from the information provided by the app. 

    §§ Treatment decisions should not be based on real-time sensor glucose readings alone but instead should consider all the information on the results screen.

    ¶¶ Automatic upload requires a wireless internet connection or mobile data connection.

    *** Sensors are available for eligible patients who meet the labelling requirements of 18 years or older with diabetes. Limit: one per registrant.

    ††† For people managing diabetes with insulin.

    ‡‡‡ For residents of Quebec, the following two criteria must be met: intensive insulin therapy (insulin pump treatment or ≥3 insulin injections per day), and frequent hypoglycemic events during the last year. 

    §§§ For people over 18 years of age with type 1 diabetes.

    ¶¶¶ Those eligible for reimbursement in Prince Edward Island must be 18 years of age or older, be taking three or more daily injections of insulin or using an insulin pump, and must be enrolled in the Diabetes Glucose Sensor Program.

    **** FreeStyle Libre system (reader and sensors) is a limited use benefit for individuals who are currently managing their diabetes with insulin.

    †††† Individual private drug plans can vary. Please have your patients check with their plan administrator and/or insurance company. 

    ‡‡‡‡ The FreeStyle Libre 2 app and the FreeStyle Libre 2 reader have similar but not identical features. Finger pricks are required if glucose readings and alarms do not match symptoms or expectations. The FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor communicates with the FreeStyle Libre 2 reader that started it or the FreeStyle Libre 2 app that started it. The FreeStyle Libre 2 app is only compatible with certain mobile devices and operating systems. Please check the Compatibility Guide (PDF 69 KB) for more information about device compatibility before using the app. Use of FreeStyle Libre 2 may require registration with LibreView.



    1. Bolinder J, et al. Novel glucose-sensing technology and hypoglycaemia in type 1 diabetes: a multicentre, non-masked, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2016;388(10057):2254-63.
    2. Haak T, et al. Flash glucose-sensing technology as a replacement for blood glucose monitoring for the management of insulin-treated type 2 diabetes: a multicenter, open-label randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Ther 2017;8(1):55-73.
    3. Data on file, Abbott Diabetes Care Inc. 
    4. FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring System User’s Manual. 
    5. FreeStyle Libre 2 Flash Glucose Monitoring System User’s Manual.

    This site is intended for Canadian Healthcare Professionals only. Visit patient site.

    The FreeStyle Libre 2 flash glucose monitoring system is indicated for measuring interstitial fluid glucose levels in people aged 4 years and older with diabetes mellitus. Always read and follow the label/insert.